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Monday summer play

The sun shone and we started the day collecting lots of juicy blackberries from the hedgerows. The children chased crickets and caught and released a butterfly. They also found some tiny toads and frogs!

We collected lots of wood to make a fire and cooked up our berries to make jam and tasted the with some delicious fire cooked bread. We found deer tracks along the woodland rides and played some good hiding games angst the trees.

There was time to whittle bread sticks and fresh hazel to decorate, learning how to use some simple tools safely. She children creates some faces on the fallen hazel nuts we had found.

The children enjoyed swinging on the hammock and balancing along the slack line with sticks as support. we went for a wander along the Forest Way after lunch to look for some more butterflies and found some dragonflies and more crickets. There was tie to dig and draw in the iron rich sand at the bottom of the fields.

At the end of the day we made it back to the farm just in time for the summer showers to rain down on us!


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