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May Days

After the downpours at the weekend, we were glad for the light breeze and the return of the sunshine this week.

We have started to build new connections through The Good Company People this week. As a 'Host', we welcomed two brilliantly lovely 'Guests' for their first session together. We shared stories and coffee and cups of tea and lunch and gently explored outside in the garden. After looking at the flowers, we planted some seeds gathered from last year and watered them and set them out in the sunshine to hopefully watch grow and flourish along with our new friendships in the coming weeks. We hatched a plan to visit the woods next week and continue our connections together.

After school the sun had returned and we had a lovely time observing and noticing the world around us. We found and learned about Cherry Oak galls which we found all over the trees flowers and on the ground under oak trees on our route to the woods. The children had fun creating crowns and nests with sticky weed and we played a name game whilst throwing and catching a ball of sticky weed to each other. They blew many dandelion clocks into the breeze and challenged each other to find the longest dandelion flower stem. They hid in the reeds and the grass of the meadow which is growing increasingly long.

The children explained about the fungus chicken of the woods which they found growing near the bridge we use to get over the ditch. Then they bounced and dug and slipped and strimmed brambles and nettles and wove with dying bluebells and followed the path of a stream upwards and made fantastical stories in and around their den.


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